Threesides Marketing supports Menslink for many reasons. Here are our top reasons that helped us put some ticks in the boxes when we asked ourselves why we should get involved:
- Threesides is a business that was started by two young guys from Canberra (Todd and Clint) – Menslink supports young guys in Canberra just like we were not so long ago (Tick)
- We heard about Menslink through our local café Trev’s – Trevor McGrath was a Menslink mentor and we like what he does (Tick)
- We got involved in developing the Silence is Deadly program with the Raiders – turns out they are really good guys and had a lot to give back (Tick)
- Todd (our director) put his money where his mouth is and signed up as a mentor – met a great young guy and started seeing the real impact of the program (Tick)
- Menslink actually has programs on the ground that directly support young guys in Canberra – they don’t just push paper around and talk about it all day (Tick)
- The team at Menslink are really good people who we like dealing with – we like them as people and as community partners (Tick)
- They are a ‘Canberra only’ not for profit and any help we provide stays in Canberra and helps Canberrans. The big picture is important but we need to provide help on our own doorstep and Menslink achieves this (Big tick)
Menslink help young guys who need help, guys in need, guys in trouble, guys up to their neck in life at an early age – How could we not help?? Our business provides us with the opportunity to help Menslink further the reach, share the message and extend the opportunities they have to get more mentors, support more young guys and find valuable corporate partners like ourselves and get them involved.
For us – Menslink tick all the right boxes when it comes to supporting a local not for profit that makes differences to peoples lives in Canberra. It has made a difference to ours.