Menslink wins ACT Mental Health Week Award

October 18, 2015

Earlier in October, ACT Health Minister Simon Corbell presented Menslink Counselling Program Manager, Rolf Einhaus, with the Mental Health Week award for service excellence and innovation.

Menslink was nominated for the award by the mum of one of our clients – a young guy who has received support from all three of our programs: Silence is Deadly, Counselling and Mentoring. Here’s what she had to say….

In my direct work with families and personally I have seen first-Mental health awardhand the amazing impact of the programs delivered by Menslink and also the promotion of mental health awareness.

Promotion: Menslink have partnered with other organisations to ensure young men in our nation’s capital know that there is help and support available to them should they need it, I have seen them loud and proud in the community giving out wrist bands and talking openly about mental health in young people, removing stigma and shame and breaking down barriers.

Prevention: Menslink “Silence is deadly” campaign. The Silence Is Deadly campaign is run by Menslink, in partnership with Brumbies Rugby. It involves Brumbies’ players and Menslink staff visiting schools to talk with young men that it’s okay to need help with the hassles in your life. They have delivered this program to just about every single male secondary student in Canberra. The key message to the young men is that we have problems at times in our lives – even professional Rugby players – but talking and getting help gets you through them faster.

Early intervention: The mentoring program at Menslink is second to none: our family are recipients of this valuable service, our son gets to spend time with his mentor, hanging out and talking things through but also spends time as part of a group. He even got to attend a 7 day wilderness camp which taught him that he can achieve again, despite the illness he faces. He also has flexible and innovative counselling which meets his needs, something that has not been available through mainstream services in CAMHS.

Our son had heard about Menslink and sought their help and advice when he was just 11 via Facebook message. Thanks to the guys there he is linked to his community, has regular leadership opportunities and feels like a valued member for society. For the young men who are able to receive services from Menslink  it is an outstanding leader in quality mental health service, support and prevention.

Well done and thank you Menslink xx


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