Menslink Business Breakfast 2022 – Dr. Zac Seidler

September 30, 2022

Creating community is core business for us here at Menslink and events like our Business Breakfast reaffirm that the community we have behind our young guys and their families in Canberra is getting stronger every day.

The Business Breakfast is held each year in September and is attended by executives from large and small businesses, government, sports, education and the community sector. Both Federal and Territory politicians from all major parties also attend to show their support for Menslink and the young men in our community.

This year’s event was held at QT Canberra on Tuesday 22 September, with Dr Zac Seidler from the Movember Foundation the guest speaker. Apart from being the Director of Mental Health Training at Movember, he is also a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow with Orygen at The University of Melbourne.

Zac spoke about ways to reframe our relationships with the young men in our lives. He introduced the crowd to the term ‘Masculinities’ and challenged us to expect more from young men, to stop assuming and start asking. He went on to explain that “they’re capable of more than we know and we need to ask them what they want and want they need”. Breaking down barriers to help young guys by delivering ‘Health by stealth’ he called it.

Events like the Business Breakfast wouldn’t be possible without our business supporters, volunteers, local MLA’s, mentors, St Edmund students, and of course the support from the whole community. Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Business Breakfast.

Watch the full recap from the morning including Dr Zac Seidler’s presentation and Q&A time with the room in the video above. Zac’s speech starts at 31min if you wanted to skip straight to it.

He mentioned a resource called Movember Conversations which is handy to help start conversations – check it out here:

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