Your support at Big Night Out 2019 means the world to us

April 4, 2019

On Friday March 29, Menslink held our 3rd annual Big Night Out…and boy was it big!

Over 450 people from across Canberra came to show their support, sporting funky outfits and big hair for our 70s and 80s theme.

It was a sensational night, packed with great food, great company and great entertainment (thank you Daniel Gibson for your outstanding contribution as emcee).

The band, Killer Queen, rocked our world with a phenomenal performance from their sold out Canberra show, and had people of all ages tearing up the dance floor with their 80s disco moves.

I took to the stage early on in the night, and shared some amazing feedback from those connected with the young men we help, such as mothers and girlfriends. I also shared feedback from a local primary school that has recently adopted our Menslink program for boys under 13 and is already seeing remarkable results.

We hope to be able to help many more young men in schools across the ACT this year through our Silence is Deadly campaign.

But who better to talk about what Menslink does than a bloke whose life has been changed by coming to Menslink. Xavier was one of our clients 7 years ago and has since gone on to create an incredible life and business for himself that employs 16 people from Canberra. You can see Xavier’s story here.

We’re still tallying the final results but we’re confident we will clear over $180,000 after costs. This means we will be able to support over 150 young men in the Canberra region, which is an absolutely fantastic result.

A HUGE thank you to every person and business that so generously donated the more than 130 goods and services we received and auctioned off via ALLBIDS. The Canberra public really got behind us in the lead up to the night, and the live auction fetched some very special amounts, including an Amarok Ute which was kindly donated by Lennock Volkswagon and purchased by Geocon (who also bought a number of other items).

We’re now looking forward to our annual Business Breakfast in September, and will be announcing a very special guest speaker for the event next month.

To everyone who came and supported us – you made a massive difference, just by being there.


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