Become a Business Partner

What’s the benefit?

Supporting Menslink

With so many worthy causes around, it’s fair to ask “Why support Menslink?”

To answer this question, read Who We Are. This will help you determine whether Menslink is a cause you would like to support.

Besides the benefits to young men in our community, your organisation also benefits through:

  • Community support: The young men that we help (and their families) may be your customers, employees, influencers or even future employees. You’re helping to build and support the local community that you serve and are part of.
  • Staff engagement: Engage your staff in a local cause they can be part of and feel proud to support. From public servants to white collar or blue collar workers, staff admire organisations that actively make a difference to the community they live in: reducing crime, alleviating mental health issues, keeping kids at school longer and providing positive role models for young men as they grow up.
  • Promotion: Menslink does all we can to support those who support us. This often means promoting our partners through our own publicity efforts, joint promotions and website.

Next Steps

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Menslink as a business partner – direct financial sponsorship, providing pro bono services, donating services or goods for our annual fundraising events, and many more …

Please contact our CEO to discuss an arrangement that works for both of us: