Andrew McGowan

Andrew has been at Menslink since 2021. He initially worked for the Mentoring program, but has spent most of his time improving Menslink’s IT systems and administrative processes. Andrew commenced as General Manager in September 2023.

Andrew grew up in Canberra and spent the first 18 years of his career working in and around the Public Service. About half of this time he worked in policy and coordination type roles, and the other half was mostly leading IT projects. He spent a lot of time working at Parliament House, and has also worked for the Department of Finance and the Australian Sports Commission.

Andrew trained as a Lifeline Telephone Crisis Support in 2019 and shortly after that commenced a Graduate Diploma of Counselling at the Uni of Canberra (which he finished in 2023). This is the path that led him to Menslink in 2021.

Andrew is a husband and father of two. He is a sport lover as both a participant and spectator, and is a big believer in the connection between physical and mental health.

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