What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

June 15, 2018

We all get advice in life – some of it good, some of it bad. But occasionally, we get a gold nugget that changes who we are and how we handle situations in life forever.

For me, this was:

Find out what you stand for and live by it.

This piece of advice changed me from the moment I heard it and started implementing it into my life. Every year now, I make time to ask myself “What do you stand for Marty?” and check that what’s going on in my life reflects the core values I have chosen to live by.

If you’ve never heard of this before, or you have no idea what your core values are, I do believe that it’s so important (whether you’re 12 years old or 72 years old) to work it out.

Your core values are what YOU stand for, and could include things such as:

  • Being an honest person
  • Helping others
  • Achieving success
  • Feeling healthy
  • Having close relationships with family or friends
  • Being loyal
  • Feeling positive
  • Respecting yourself and others

There’s as many combinations of values as there are people in this world. The main thing is to choose the values that represent you, and to live your life according to them.

Everything in your life should align to your values: your job, your relationships, your hobbies, how you treat your colleagues, and so on. Whenever I make a decision at work, I always ask myself “Does this decision align with my values?”

And ever since I recognised my core values and started living my life according to them, I have to say – I am much happier! Life is easier. Decisions are easier. Because no matter what happens in my life (good, bad or even major disasters), I can come back to those values and they’re incredible anchors. So I am grateful, every day, for that one piece of advice I got that changed my life forever.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received, and how did it change your life?
