If you ever wanted to know what Menslink does, or what a mentoring journey looks like, check out this video!
When Connor Lore came to Menslink, he was a young guy who had trouble dealing with his anger and was at risk of being expelled from school. He didn’t have a male role modelĀ in his life who couldĀ be there for him and provide him strategies for getting through the anger. Through our mentoring program, Connor was matched with Denis, an older mentor who had his back and someone for Connor to talk to.
This is the story of Connor, now a graduate of our mentoring program, as he talks openly about his journey, as does his dedicated and loving mum, Shirley and his volunteer mentor mate Denis.
Today, Connor openly speaks at Menslink events about his experiences, was featured on the front page of the Canberra Times and is a role model for young guys who just need a little help getting through the hassles in their lives.
This is one story… what will yours be?