Bruce Papps

Bruce is currently Deputy CEO of the OzHelp Foundation which is an
organisation focussed on mental health and wellbeing for workers and
workplaces in high-risk industries. Prior to that Bruce was CEO of a large
community services organisation in Canberra that provides a range of support and early childhood services. The first part of Bruce’s career was over 30 years of experience in the business world, providing and leading professional assurance, financial management, consulting, governance and risk management services to both the private and public sectors. From 2010 to 2015 he was a Partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Bruce has been on several Boards of community, not-for-profit, and educational organisations.

It was Menslink and some life experiences that resulted in Bruce becoming interested in the community sector. Bruce served as a Menslink mentor in 2015 and 2016 and he has a keen interest in Menslink’s programs and outcomes.

On a personal level, Bruce and his partner Carolyn have two adult children, and Bruce loves motorcycle riding (at least in fair weather) and going to Melbourne for the footy.

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